Leadership and communication are two things that can not be separated. The success of leader is determined througt communication skills. Either is it direct or indirect communication by using the various media; face to face,writings, speeches or the internet social networking. This has been improved by the great leader US President Barack Obama and the great comunicator Oprah Winfrey.
I want take example for their quality of leadership and communication, they are my favorite figures.
In being a student, to improve my leadership and communication skill, I always get active and get involved in various organizations and activities,both in or out side campus, such as being campus newspaper reporter, radio campus announcer, Student Theater Performance, Film Club member, Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa(BEM). I’m also the founder of the campus radio community CBC FM 107,7 in 2007.
Not only in my college campus in the outside I’m also active in some enviromental and media NGOs doing survey. Even since my second semester I have been registered as a reporter in the daily Morning “Fajar”(Jawa Pos Group) The east Indonesia’s largest newspaper, now I’m waiting for a job placement at local televition as news and talk shows presenter—I recently joined audition and become the top two round—I am a person that likes to work hard in under pressure and deadline.
Having the opportunity to participate in The Study Program of The United States Institutes(SUSI) for Student leaders on New Media is an incredible opportunity in my life.
This program will enhance my knowledge on many things, especially about media and new media. Not only the media but also about the history and development of jurnalism as well as the United State in depth.So, I hope I can be participated in these programs, learning media and journalism in United State is my dream, and now the dream is getting closer.
US is the largets source of the media industry. The largest media owners come from this contry like Facebook founder Mark Zuckenberg. Teory about media, communication and journalism come from this country.
In my country’s Indonesia media industry growing rapidly, especially televition and internet media.It makes me interested in being a communication student studying journalism and media communication.
As my subject is communication, I have an obsession to be the owner of a national media so that I can help my country grow and develop as a safe and wellfare country. If I elected to this program I believe it will give me many skills that can be useful for my future career as a journalist or good leader.
The last, I just want to state this program will be a tremendous opportunity in my life. Because through this program I could compare between the media indsutry in the United States and Indonesia and share it. I just hope that i can make the world more peacefully and lovely for everyone.
Selamat Malam. Salam kenal bang, Saya Trioo,
Postingan yang menarik, bang.
Namun sayang sekali, andai saja, kemarin-kemarin saya bisa menemukan postingan ini, mungkin akan lebih baik bagi saya. Saya juga mahasiswa yang sedang mengajukan applying program susi on new media Juornalism. Bahan-bahan telah saya kirimkan pada 2 Desember yang lalu. Jika saja, saya menemukan postingan contoh ps ini lebih dulu, ps ini akan saya jadikan sebagai referensi. Tapi semuanya tetap ada hikmahnya.
Bagaimana bang, programnya menyenangkan kah? (pertanyaan basa-basi) he…he. Tentu mengasikan kan bang.
Setidaknya, saya punya konkulsi bahwa kita punya 1 persamaan, yakni sama-sama menyukai jurnalisme sebagai bagian dari hidup. Saya juga belajar menulis dan juga aktiv di beberapa media cetak di kota saya.
Perbedaannya juga ada : Bang Mudrikan melesat jauh dari saya. Pengalaman bang Mudrikan sangat mengangumkan. Prestasi yang membanggakan.
Menurut Bang Mudrikan, apa aspek penilaian yang paling besar? Nilai akademik, essay, organisasi, surat rekomenadasi, skor toefl, organisasi, work experience,, atau poin apa, bang?
Sekarang saya sedang gelisah. Proposal saya masih “still waiting”. Batas deadlinenya tanggal 2 Desember kemarin. Sekarang masih menunggu, berharap, dan berdo’a. apa bang Mudrikan juga merasa gelisah saat menanti pengumuman dari U.S Embassy? Apakah memang semua applicant merasakan kegelisahan yang mendalam. Walaupun sudah saya selingi dengan aktivitas lain, hasilnya tetap sama.
Oh ya bang, dulu, berapa lama waktu antara deadline sampai pengumumannya keluar? 1 bulan, 2 bulan atau lebih? (membayangkan, betapa senangnya, Bang Mudrikan saat itu)…he…he…
Lalu, berapa orang yang terpilih pada program New Media ini?
(Maaf jika komentar ini menggangu aktivitas bang Mudrikan.)
hi, trio..maaf baru saya baca komen anda. secara umum sih, penilaian terbesar adalah semngat yang tinggi. kalau ada lowongan susi lagi nanti saya kirimkan, kalau boleh tau apa emilnya..?!
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